Organized Play + Coaching is a way to play games with people your skill level while also receiving coaching during a few of your games. This is different from our actual pickleball lessons as this is more focused on play than coaching, with our lessons more focused on coaching than playing. This is great for people who want to play games but would like a little bit of coaching as well. If you already play games with a group, why not play and get coaching at the same time!
- 2 hours
- 6-8 games
- Minimum 2 coached games with instructor
- $20
- Play w/ others of your same level
How the play/rotations work:
- 3 courts with 12 players total
- One court is coached by an instructor
- The other two courts are non-coached
- You get one game on the coached court, then rotate for 2 games on the other court, then back again
- Coached court will be with your same group of 4 each time you play on it
- Non-coached court you will rotate partners
- Games to 11, win by 2
- If after 17 minutes a game is not concluded then there is a 3 minute extended period where rally score is used (you don’t have to serve to score)
- Players rotate after each game
- No waiting or sitting out
Make sure you arrive 10 minute early. We start promptly on time to get in as many games as possible.
If you sign up and the session doesn’t get full the session will still happen. That means even if it’s just one court, your coach will coach just your court for the full 2 hours, which is an incredible deal for just $20. So, don’t be afraid to sign up!
Your Coach
Joshua Mackens
A former basketball junky turned pickleball player, Josh has tackled going professional in pickleball with an unmatched ferocity. Having improved from 3.5 to 5.0 in less than a year, his approach to getting better at the game speaks for itself. So much so that he started getting asked to give lessons, which led him to start The Pickleball Lab, seeing a deep need in Indy for professional coaching that helps players actually get better.
- DUPR: 4.8
- Years playing: nearly 2
- Started coaching: in 2023
- Tournament results: multiple golds in 3.5/4.0/4.5